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Friday, Nov. 07, 2003 - 9:43 p.m.

I have finally received the pictures of the "Booberry Farm". Now there are visuals to go with the story!

It really all began with the potbellied pig, but his picture didn't turn out very well when resized. I guess once you've seen one potbellied pig, you've seen them all! A good ass, on the other hand, you can never get enough of that. This really is my favourite animal at the farm. When I was here in the summer with the camp kids, it actually bit one of them. Ha, ha...little snots! (No, not really)

This, of course is Harrison. He is a cool little dude who is very interested in numbers at the moment. I love to hang out with him. After checking out the ass we went into the hay maze (you know...the one with the snake pit).

It was pretty muddy in some spots in the corn maze. Harrison was pretty lucky - he got a ride. Can you imagine me up there. Now that would have been funny!!

Okay, okay, so we couldn't find our way out. We took the easy way out - the emergency exit. Honestly folks, Harrison was tired, and it would have been cruel to make him keep walking. Really. No, really. Maybe I just thought the picture was cute!

Okay, off the farm, here is me during my day job. The girl in the green coat is Adelaine. The one in the blue coat is Abigail. Addy and Abi...try not getting those mixed up. This was an outing to the golf course to feed the geese. We went with Brandy and Harrison. Brandy took the shot. She also took the next one.

This is a great shot of Abi. Look at those leaves! Autumn in Petawawa is absolutely beautiful!

That's all from me for today. I have tons more to put up, but there is only so much space for the day. Keep checking back because next up is people profiles. It could be you.....

Take care of yourselves, and each other.



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